Easy product returns
Buy a product and check it in your own time, at home.
You can return the product without providing a reason within 14 days.
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You can return the product without providing a reason within 14 days.
14 days for a return
Your satisfaction is very important to us, therefore you can make a return without providing a reason within
No stress and worry
Thanks to the integration with cheap returns you can purchase without stress and be sure that the return process will be hassle free.
Easy returns wizard
All returns processed by our shop are managed in a easy-to-use returns wizard which gives you the ability to send a return parcel.
- Faza: creștere, înflorire
- Pentru cultivarea în: sol, cocos, hidroponie
- Dozare: conform cererii
Magneziul este atomul central al clorofilei asadar este un element esential din fotosinteza.
In plus,magneziul influenteaza ceilalti pigmenti si proceselor fiziologice.
Este un element indispensabil pentru dezvoltarea plantei.
Planta asimileaza direct MAGNEZIUL si efectul sau este vizibil imediat.
Poate fi folosit ca amendament in caz de carenta de magneziu dar poate fi si supliment pentru stimularea cresterii si infloririi.
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